Alliance 2019 Conference Highlights

AOE Alliance Highlights

Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions (ACEHP)
2019 Annual Conference
January 23-26, 2019, National Harbor, MD

“Make It Stick!” was the theme of the 2019 ACEHP Annual Conference, reflecting a conference-wide focus on proactive behavior change, on “healthcare” in favor of “sickcare”, and on quality as a daily practice.

Here are a few highlights from Alliance 2019:

Getting Ahead of Technology

  • Changing Landscape: Technological changes are ever present and impact healthcare
  • Beat the “forgetting curve” by implementing different mechanisms of learning:
    didactic, demonstration, practice, feedback, repetition, etc.
  • Allow learners to practice high risk procedures in low stress environments.

Collaborative Mindsets

  • Account for cultural differences in any collaboration; research the system and clarify
  • Transform your “faculty” into “facilitators” – help guide learners to an understanding
    instead of talking at them.
  • Shared decision making is a key part of patient-centered care but can be difficult to
    measure; break it down into smaller components.

Education as Our Profession

  • Pursuit of the CHCP credentials: This is a stepping stone to career advancement!
  • “Make It Stick” – How can education be leveraged for behavior change?
  • Incorporate patients into education planning: Everyone has a story to tell! Allow
    patients to focus on the emotion of the disease.
  • Learning style matters: Learners have preferred styles, but all learners learn in all the
    modalities (auditory, visual and kinesthetic).
  • Learners remember 10% of what is seen, 20% of what is read, 80% of what they do.
  • Outcomes: Asking questions several weeks later improves learner retention.
  • When designing an assessment, do not try to trick your learners with question format.

ACCME Update
The ACCME communicated the following areas of update:

  • ACCME’s Strategic Plan 2018-2021, MOC Collaborations, State Medical Board
    Collaborations (TN and NC), Key Areas of Non-Compliance (SCS 1, 2, 6), ACCME’s Call
    for Feedback about Protecting the Integrity and Independence of Accredited
    Continuing Education


Weekly Compliance Tip

In PARS, do I have to start from scratch each time or can I copy an activity?

You can indeed copy an activity from the activity summary view in… More >


Phone: (303) 557-0859
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128