An overview of ACCME Accreditation Criterion 19, which requires providers to illustrate how their continuing medical education program removes, overcomes, or addresses barriers to physician change.


Welcome to CME Watch. Today’s Video addresses compliance with ACCME’s Criterion 19, which requires providers show evidence of having implemented educational strategies to remove, overcome, or address barriers to physician change.

Often, addressing compliance with Criterion 16 sets such providers up for addressing compliance with Criterion 19, as improving a physicians’ professional practice is central to both of these accreditation criteria.

In addition, demonstration of compliance with Criterion 19 is tied closely to a provider’s gap analysis and needs assessment required of Criterion 2, as often barriers are integrally tied to the professional practice gap identified by providers.

Compliance with Criterion 19 begins with a provider having established CME policies and procedures aimed at identification of barriers to physician change, and ends with the incorporation of educational methods designed to address these barriers.

Identifying Barriers to Change
Data sources providers use to conduct their needs assessment and gap analysis such as participant surveys, evaluation data, and/or outcomes measurement studies are often useful in identifying barriers to physician change.

Providers do not have to demonstrate that all CME activities address identified barriers, but they must have evidence that they have identified barriers and that this is a systematic component to their CME planning process across their CME program.

Learn How AOE Can Help
If you have questions about this or other ACCME Accreditation issues, please don’t hesitate to contact AOE.