When designing an activity for ABIM MOC credit, what additional evaluation requirements must be met?

ABIM and ACCME both share the expectation that providers will evaluate the impact of their activities on “learners’ knowledge, strategies/skills, performance, and/or patient outcomes”.  That said, there is a lot of latitude I how that impact is achieved and measured.  On page 9 of the ABIM MOC Program Guide, there is a list and a helpful chart of evaluation models and examples.  These examples are not an exhaustive list, but are tools for providers to use.

ABIM’s requirement for evaluations is found in ABIM8, and ACCME requirements related to evaluation can be found in Criterion 11.


Weekly Compliance Tip

Is record keeping required when it comes to commercial support?

According to Standard 4, yes.  Accredited providers are required to keep…

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