To register an activity for ABIM Practice Assessment MOC, what additional information, if any, must be reported via PARS?

When registering an activity for ABIM Practice Assessment MOC, the ACCME requires that providers enter the standard activity-related fields in PARS and additionally, IF the activity is eligible for ABIM Practice Assessment Points, the provider must also:

  • Attest to meeting the ABIM’s requirements
  • Indicate which ABIM specialty(ies) is/are a best fit based on the activity content
  • Note how many MOC points will be offered to learners

As an additional note from the ACCME, activities “can be registered for ABIM Medical Knowledge points, Practice Assessment points and/or Patient Safety Credit in any combination.  However, an activity cannot be registered for Patient Safety Credit alone”.


Weekly Compliance Tip

In PARS, do I have to start from scratch each time or can I copy an activity?

You can indeed copy an activity from the activity summary view in… More >


Phone: (303) 557-0859
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128