What does the MATE Act have to do with me, as a provider?

The MATE Act, or Medication Access and Training Expansion Act, requires new or renewing DEA licensees, as of June 27, 2023, to have completed at least eight hours of training on opioid or other substance use disorders and the appropriate treatment of pain.  This requirement must be met before they apply for a license for their first time OR renew their current license.  Access to quality training and education will be a critical component in helping practitioners adequately prepare and meet this new criteria.


Weekly Compliance Tip

In PARS, do I have to start from scratch each time or can I copy an activity?

You can indeed copy an activity from the activity summary view in… More >


Phone: (303) 557-0859
E-mail: inquire@aoeconsulting.com
AOE Consulting, LLC
8156-E S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 198
Littleton, CO 80128